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Adjust and adapt to jet lag

Plane to prevent jet lag. Remember transferred should watch local, strictly according to the local time
Between work and rest, especially the first day not yet reached the lunch break, it is desirable to walk around the island, enjoy the beautiful island scenery, patted photos, videos or other activities carried out, and you will gradually reduce the idea of ​​a nap.

After a local lunch, should go take a nap, wake up, you will feel full of energy. By Breakfast - Activities - Lunch - afternoon nap, from the time of the mental and physical digestion, sleep and other physical activities gradually adjust, adapt to changes in jet lag, adjust your body clock to adapt to local time for recreational activities.

Seasickness by Neiguan + Zusanli

Seasickness, motion sickness can be prevented. First, changes to the time difference, to have enough sleep time, the first condition is to prevent seasickness. If you do not change to adapt to jet lag, the new clock does not adjust well, lack of sleep, or sleep time, sleep quality, but not good enough, people will be listless, confused and this state, dolphin watching, deep sea fishing, by submarine , when seaplane motion sickness prone.

Prevention of seasickness, airsickness way: poor mental state, an immediate adjustment of the poor poor, not to sea when there Touyunnaozhang see dolphins, deep sea fishing, undersea world and view the submarine seaplane, boat immediately after a meal should not be , took the opportunity to be in the meal 2-3 hours before conducting the above activities, there is a history of seasickness, sea or air should be in the 1 hour before oral dimenhydrinate tablets 25mg, a good anti-halo effect.

There seasickness, motion sickness, it is best to leave the ship immediately or the next landing aircraft, ships and aircraft if still sailing, boat landings, or within a short time is difficult to leave the plane, this time, accompanied by motion sickness who should push Neiguan and Zusanli can also play a suspension of dizziness or reduce the role of dizziness.

Do not touch coral fish diving

In the beach, around the coral around the island is shallow, exposed at low tide the shallows at high tide water depth of about 1-2 m, coral reefs varies, some are adults with high water depth, 50 meters wide, shallow waters, coral reefs, a width of 100 m, coral reefs just outside the depth of tens of meters deep, coral reefs outside the perimeter of a security line, but not equipped with lifeguards. So swimming, diving activities must be within the safety line and pay attention to safety.

Swimming in the coral reef, snorkeling, we must pay attention to safety, because the coral reef rugged, hands and feet slightly larger range of activities, a point to be scratched hands and feet of coral reefs may encounter. Therefore, snorkeling should wear cotton gloves. Also, when watching the colorful coral reef fish in droves, do not touch the coral reef fish, easily pierced the skin.

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